From Desk Till Dawn

My mainly music & nerd bird blog

Posts Tagged ‘BBC

Sunday Swoon. July 22nd

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Pelicans, Mist and Sausages…

Big Apple Hot Dogs

1. Finally got my chops around a Big Apple Hot Dog on Friday. Smoky, Chunky and Juicy. Anyone suspicious of exactly what meat usually goes into hot dogs will have their faith restored by this local London business. 94 – 98% meat content accompanied by pickles, every mustard you can think of, freshly baked buns. Track down their whereabouts on their website.

2. The debut book by Erick Setiawan, Of Bees And Mist, has a touch of Neil Gaiman about it in the element of magic and the fantastical. Centred around three strong and proud women tied together by family is saddening, life affirming and deals with the tough choices women have to make on a daily basis wrapped up in a fairytale. All from a young, male author.

3. The third single from Lucy Rose was released this week. Adore the unexpected pace change in Lines, around 40 seconds in. Her debut album is released in September and if the strength of her releases so far are the level to prejudge then it could be a contender for my album of the year.

4. Had a very merry (and by merry I mean very drunk) night at Zoo Lates on Friday. Such a fantastic idea, that us adults get to be as giddy as the children but with a pint in our hand. I have a new-found love for Pelicans, by far the most entertaining. Such a comic way of preening, dancing and parading. Now The Maccabees song has a new memory attached to it. You can book on London Zoo’s website.

5. BBC’s The Hollow Crown came to its conclusion with Henry V last night. I am not brave enough to put into words just how brilliant the adaptations have been. All actors involved, and those that made it possible, produced something to be truly proud about. Of course it wouldn’t exist had it not been for Shakespeare. A man we have so much to be grateful for. Catch it while it’s on iPlayer, I urge you. I was utterly blown away by it.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother” 

– William Shakespeare, Henry V

No Sh#t Sherlock!

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Someone once asked me if I was offended by the way woman are portrayed in Sex And The City. I remember being utterly perplexed. My response; “It’s a TV show, its entertainment, I don’t really feel the need to take it seriously”. Here I am again being asked the same question about yet another fictional character.

I’ve now watched Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia three times and frankly can’t see why so many people are up in arms over the portrayal of Irene Adler.

Had Dame Brenda Hale, an actual real human that exists, appeared in the Supreme Court scantily clad in Agent Provocateur and asked a man to bang her gavel because it’s too heavy for her to lift then yes, I am sure I’d have taken off my best bra and forlornly walked it down to the closest bonfire.

Not for one moment do I believe the writers of Sherlock are trying to send out subliminal messages for women to get back to the kitchen and never dare vote again, for men to only see us as either sexy or in the need of rescue. In fact, to me it was clear the quality Sherlock admired and respected in Irene Adler was her intelligence (unless I missed him giving her boob a cheeky honk-honk like a Carry On film in which case I will apologise). My other half certainly wouldn’t watch this and think “actually love, we’ve got this all wrong. Stop being independent and clever you silly girl. You just pout and I’ll bring home the bacon”.

We shouldn’t be looking to fictional characters (you know, pretend people who don’t actually exist) as role models IRL surely? I know these are woeful times. Who can we look too for inspiration as woman in the public eye. Louise Mensch? No. But here is the thing, I didn’t look to TV for my life lessons growing up. I looked to my parents and sisters for moral guidance, to learn right and wrong, independence.

I don’t take TV too seriously. Of course, if I did and something offended me deeply I’d just switch the channel over. We don’t even have to get off our bums to do that with these clever remote controls.

This week is Hounds Of The Baskervilles. Let’s hope the hounds are wearing suitable underwear and the RSPCA don’t get too riled.

Written by Anon PA

January 5, 2012 at 3:29 pm